Small, easily stowable, water proof glass jars with 6 wax/cotton fire starters
Will take to a spark and burn for up to 5 mins (milage may vary)
Directions : Break in half and fold back and forth a few times. Then pull apart in middle, pulling fibers apart and exposing inner cotton, this is where your ferro sparks will land and ignite. Try to set down with fibers pointing up.
Small, easily stowable, water proof glass jars with 6 wax/cotton fire starters
Will take to a spark and burn for up to 5 mins (milage may vary)
Directions : Break in half and fold back and forth a few times. Then pull apart in middle, pulling fibers apart and exposing inner cotton, this is where your ferro sparks will land and ignite. Try to set down with fibers pointing up.
Small, easily stowable, water proof glass jars with 6 wax/cotton fire starters
Will take to a spark and burn for up to 5 mins (milage may vary)
Directions : Break in half and fold back and forth a few times. Then pull apart in middle, pulling fibers apart and exposing inner cotton, this is where your ferro sparks will land and ignite. Try to set down with fibers pointing up.